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Redeeming Life

What are you waiting for?

Most of us can say that we have never seen the world in a holding pattern like we are right now. We are waiting for good things to come, waiting for bad things to be over, waiting for resolution. We wait; but the hardest part is the not knowing and wondering what's next. Fear can easily creep in because of the unknown.

We're waiting for the virus to be contained, waiting on reports of vaccines being tested and ready to use. We are waiting for stores, restaurants and parks to reopen. Take a deep breath and HOLD it until the wait is over when you finally exhale.

Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. If we use this time to get closer to God, we will be reminded of his promises. As Christians we know to be hopeful. We know that God is in control. We know he works out everything for good for all who believe. It doesn’t mean it’s always easy though does it?

Have you noticed all the good things lately on your social media? People who are “gathering” online, waving at their neighbor as they go for a walk. Teachers and parents supporting each other. Strangers helping strangers. You’ve heard good things come to those who wait! When we get to the other side of this, when that moment comes – it will be glorious. Like when any long wait is over - the joy we feel, the release in our bodies, the tension melts away.

The first look at the precious baby's face, the first time you can gather again with friends or go visit an aging relative in the assisted living. When you can go back to volunteering and supporting those that you fight for! You can feel the joy and the peace that comes with that moment.

It's coming. Don't stop hoping, continue to pray and wait patiently.

Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries is a pro-life ministry in Sanford, FL. We support our mothers whether they choose to place their baby for adoption or to parent. Either way, we walk alongside them in their journey. Every woman who calls Redeeming Life home will find help, love, and support. Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is a Recognized Service Organization (RSO) of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

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