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Everything Pumpkin!

Writer's picture: Redeeming Life Redeeming Life

This time of year it is everything pumpkin! Pumpkin-spice coffee, pumpkin-flavored donuts, pumpkin scented candles! Sometimes it’s a little too much, isn’t it? Yes, we know some of you will say it’s never too much!

Speaking of pumpkins, many of you have probably heard the pumpkin analogy to Christian Life. You know, the one that says the first thing you do when carving a pumpkin is to clean up your pumpkin by washing off the dirt and mud. Then you cut a hole in the top and clean out the inside. You scoop out all the seeds and yucky stuff. Now you are ready to carve your masterpiece.

After carving your design, it’s now time to put a candle inside. Then you light the candle so that the light will shine through. Finally, when all is finished, you place the pumpkin outside on your porch so that all who pass by your house will see its light.

This is a pretty good picture of what happens when we invite Jesus into our hearts.

When we become a Christian, Jesus picks us up and cleanses our lives from sin. He removes all the yucky thoughts and the seeds of doubt, hate, and selfishness that we have inside. Then He puts his light inside to shine for all the world to see.

This is what we do at Redeeming Life. When she comes to us, we take care of the whole woman. A mother-to-be and her baby. We are helping her choose life, but not just her child’s life - her life too. And even more importantly, their eternal lives. If both mother and child are healthy, they have a special bond; a relationship that lasts a lifetime. The light of Jesus can be shared through their testimony and story.

Psalm 139 11-14 fits so beautifully with this:

If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me

and the light become night around me,”

even the darkness will not be dark to you;

the night will shine like the day,

for darkness is as light to you.

For you created my inmost being;

you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

your works are wonderful,

I know that full well.

The work we do here at Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries helps take away the hurts, the sin, the challenges, and the regrets so that Jesus’ light can shine through these women and children. We do this through living life alongside them and doing the simple things in life like carving pumpkins and discarding the seeds! Learn more about our curriculum and the steps we take to ensure a healthy delivery and hope for the future!

Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries is a pro-life ministry in Sanford, FL. We support our mothers whether they choose to place their baby for adoption or to parent. Either way, we walk alongside them in their journey. Every woman who calls Redeeming Life home will find help, love, and support. Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is a Recognized Service Organization (RSO) of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

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