I once heard a frustrated new mom remark, “I wish babies came with an owner’s manual.” The truth is in God’s original plan they did. They were called “grandparents.”
In Deuteronomy 6:6-7. The Lord instructed us to pass down His commandments and ways of living to the next generation. In healthy Christian families, you will find that this practice is still being observed. Mothers and fathers willingly make themselves available to help their children navigate the uncharted waters of their new role as parents.
Unfortunately, for many of the new moms passing through the maternity home, their relationship with their parents is either nonexistent or seemingly fractured beyond repair. Most were raised in households that were dysfunctional at best and left to their own devices. History tells us that they would generally end up on one of two paths: they would either mimic the parenting style they were raised under, or they would do whatever it took to make sure that their baby never suffered the same physical and emotional turmoil that plagued their childhood.
Because of this, Redeeming Life Maternity Home devotes much of its time and resources to teaching new mothers how to care for and nurture their young children. We teach the basics through instruction and role-play, and we include everything from routine, day-to-day infant and childcare up through the conscious discipline model for older children. We also encourage the women to talk about and explore how they were raised, the good and the bad, which helps them make decisions ahead of time with regard to parenting their own child. It is during these sessions that we impart the Biblical wisdom and guidance so necessary to bring up a child “in the training and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). In doing so, it is our prayer that with the Lord’s help, we can help them break the chain of dysfunction going forward into the next generation.
This May, as Mother’s Day rolls around, and you remember the beautiful woman who gave you life, please join us in this prayer for the moms and the staff at the maternity home.
Heavenly Father, thank you for Your continued blessing upon the work of the ministry at Redeeming Life Maternity Home. Lord, we ask Your blessing on the new moms as they work to create a new life for both themselves and their babies. We ask that You bless them with the revelation and knowledge that they are no longer alone in this world; that You are always with them to love and guide them along the way.
Father, we also ask that you bless the staff of Redeeming Life Maternity Home with Your strength and wisdom as they work, together with You, to affect change not only in this generation but in the one to come.
We ask these things in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.
Redeeming Life is a Christ-centered maternity home that provides a stable environment for single women with unplanned pregnancies. Our structured program provides mentoring, counseling and life skills education to help them become independent and provide for their children as single mothers.