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What Do We Do Now?

Writer's picture: Valerie FosburghValerie Fosburgh

On Friday, June 24, 2022, the Roe versus Wade decision that made abortion legal across the United States was overturned by the United States Supreme Court. As the dust begins to settle, many have begun to ask, what can we do to help these young ladies whose lives are being drastically impacted by unplanned pregnancies? Now is the time for the Body of Christ to stand up and render love and support to these young women in their pregnancy.

Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries Offers Hope

Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries (RLOM) opened the doors of the Sanford Maternity Home in 2013 and has been fulfilling this mission ever since. RLOM provides a safe, Christ centered, family home that pregnant, single moms and their babies can call “home”. Going beyond just caring for their physical needs, RLOM uses a one-on-one mentoring program to impart godly wisdom and knowledge that the single moms will need to function independently once they leave the maternity home.

After successfully touching the lives of hundreds of vulnerable women over the years, Sheryl and Pastor Ed De Witt, saw beyond the need in their own backyard, to the ever-growing need of support for single, pregnant moms in crisis across the nation. In 2020, Sheryl and Pastor Ed received the call of the Lord to take what they were doing at the Sanford Maternity Home and move to expand it into every Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) district across America.

The first door the Lord opened was in the Chicagoland area into the LCMS Northern Illinois District. Since that time, plans have been underway to open a maternity home in that area. The future site for the maternity home has been targeted and RLOM is pushing forward toward closing on the property in the near future.

With the reversal of Roe versus Wade, women will be seeking support more than ever before. What a beautiful witness the Body of Christ can have at this time by sharing the Love of Jesus with desperate, pregnant, single moms. What better way to back up those words of lLove than to provide for them a safe, stable place to live while they make the hardest decision of their life—whether to parent their child or gift their child to another family through adoption?

“Dear Children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”

1 John 3:18

This Scripture could never be more relevant than today. It is not enough to tell a scared, pregnant woman that abortion is no longer an option and then leave her to figure out the rest on her own. The Body of Christ must take this opportunity to show the love of Jesus to both her and her baby through both words and action. We recognize that not every follower of Jesus is both called and equipped to serve on the front lines ministering to women in crisis. At Redeeming Life Maternity Home, it is our mission to answer this call every single day, redeeming life, Sharing Christ and investing in the lives of vulnerable women and their unborn children.

If your heart longs to help, you can do something right now. Please pray for the women facing these challenges across America and ask the Lord to guide them to seek help from pregnancy centers and maternity homes like Redeeming Life. If you feel a call from the Lord to do more, we humbly invite you to offer hope and support to pregnant women with a financial gift to Redeeming Life. Please visit for more information.

None of us can carry this burden alone. But, together, we can reach and redeem lives for Jesus, TWO LIVES AT A TIME.

Redeeming Life is a Christ-centered maternity home that provides a stable environment for single women with unplanned pregnancies. Our structured program provides mentoring, counseling and life skills education to help them become independent and provide for their children as single mothers.


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