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Writer's pictureRedeeming Life

2020 - How is your vision?

Have you kept up with your New Year’s resolutions? Do you get frustrated when you slip on those resolutions? We’ve all been there, right? Whether it is to lose weight, eat healthier, quit smoking, stop negative thoughts, or break out of a vicious cycle, it can be tough. It is so easy to slip back into our old ways – we know those old ways and they become comfortable and easy to slip back into.

At Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries’ maternity home, the moms who live there are not different than you and me. They want a better version of themselves. They have a goal in mind, a vision, perhaps a dream. Their choice to come to the maternity home can sometimes require them to change many things all at the same time. It can mean cutting off relationships so they can heal. It can mean choosing life when the world is telling them not to. The pulls and tugs from many directions can make it very hard for them to attain their goals, to keep up their promises and commitments. Just as we fail, they may also stumble and fall.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong
and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be
discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you
wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

While they are here at the maternity home, we lift them up as much as we can. Our Residential Manager and Program Director provide daily direction and support. Sometimes the rules can be tough, but they are in place to help our residents work toward change. Daily devotions, church attendance, learning to cook and take care of a home, parenting classes and skills – all contribute to a new way of life.

Ultimately it is God who brings change to these families. First in their hearts and minds and ultimately in their behavior. This is the only way that all of us can sustain lasting change. While people may fail and let us down, our God never will!

We are a Christ-centered maternity home for single, pregnant women in crisis. Without Christ, we are nothing. Without Christ, they are nothing. Without this clear vision and understanding, our resolutions will never come to fruition.

It’s almost February! Don’t give up! Remember that you are redeemed and loved!

Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries is a pro-life ministry in Sanford, FL. We support our mothers whether they choose to place their baby for adoption or to parent. Either way, we walk alongside them in their journey. Every woman who calls Redeeming Life home will find help, love, and support. Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is a Recognized Service Organization (RSO) of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

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Kyle Lublin
Feb 07, 2020

As Volunteer Event Coordinator for Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries, one of my 2020 goals is to inspire Small Group Fundraising for this local faith based ministry.

Small groups can include but are not limited to: Book Clubs, Walking Groups, Bunco Clubs, Mommy and Baby Groups, Girl Scout Troops, Bible Study Groups, Tennis Teams, Golf Leagues, Motorcycle Riding Clubs, YOUR GROUP OF FRIENDS/FAMILY.

On a Sunday afternoon in March 2020 I am hosting 12 ladies in my home for “A Bunco for Babies Fundraiser.” Each player will donate $20. That’s it. Collectively we will provide $240 to RLOM.

We will have fun playing the easy fast paced dice game, enjoying the fellowship and reaping the reward of knowing we each contribute…

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